第一百二十一章 没想到

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西风御抱着风鸣上了楼,随意的找了一个屋子,推门一看.... .....

里面全是粉粉嫩嫩的装设,还有少女心的桃花朵朵的窗帘... ...... 甚至连椅子上的坐垫,也是绣着小粉花... .....

西风御脸一黑,后退两步到了门口看了一下门牌,上面赫然写着七小公主... .....

“啊... .... 是小七妹啊... ....”西风御低头问着风鸣:“小枫枫,要不我们换一个?” 他觉得两个大男人... .... 在一个小女孩喜欢的屋子里做什么... ..... 而且也不免得会让风鸣多想。

风鸣抱紧了西风御,把脸埋在他怀里,说:“你去哪,我去哪... ....” 他小小的脸上飞着红晕, 风鸣只想多抱紧西风御一点,凑的再进一点,贪婪地闻着西风御身上的好闻的气味,似乎要把他身上散发的荷尔蒙都吸入肺中.... ....


“啊...唔... .... ”风鸣的嘴里发出了奇怪的声音,他把头又在西风御身上埋了埋,尽量把声音化小。


终于,他终于找到了一个比较正常的房间了。没有手去开门他就抬起修长的腿,一踹..... .......的把门踹开了。

“小枫枫,我们到了...... ......”说着,就把风鸣抱进了屋子里,他越过桌椅,直径走到大床前,把风鸣的小身子轻轻的放在了那柔软的大床上。

西风御笑着说,“终于找到这个房间了... ..... ”说着,随意的把身子往床柱上一靠,但又似乎按到了什么机关.... .........

突然,一些小道具就从床帐上掉了下来..... ......

是.... ...... 小软鞭,还有两副手铐,啊不.... ....... 另一副看起来像是.... ...... 脚铐???

不过这个和监狱里面的那些不一样,这一些的铁链子比较细.... ........

还没,等西风御和风鸣反应过来的时候就掉下来了,一件.... ...... hin涩情的.... ..... 毛茸茸...... ......... 衣.... 衣服?????

“这..... ....... 小枫枫..... ..... 你听我解释.... ........... ”但是西风御语无伦次,压根组织不起来语言,“这个..... 不是...... 我那个..... .........”

风鸣也一脸怎么回事的样子,但还是说着:“..... ....... 没,没事...... ........”

但是还没完毕,上面有掉下来了一个红盖头.... .......

但是这件红盖头好死不死的..... ........ 就掉在了风鸣的脸上!!!!!!!!!

“嗯???”风鸣揭开红盖头,一脸不知所措的看着西风御。 细长的柳叶眼中闪烁着光芒,看的西风御,竟然有些呆滞.... .....

西风御:“......... ..

........你..... ......” 他竟然在心中冒出了一个念想.... ...... 但很快就消失不见了,西风御自己都没抓到那个念想到底是什么.... ........

“该死... ..... 怎么又是这样..... 我到底在想些什么.... .....”西风御一拍脑袋.... ........ 抓着秀发,他这一个举动可是真真正正的撩到了风鸣了..... ......

风鸣眨了眨眼睛,他坐了起来,拉了拉西风御的衣袖,一脸红晕飞上脸颊,小心翼翼的问:“西风御... ........ 怎么了啊.... ...... 你怎么了?还.... ..... 还好吗????”

西风御咳了咳:“咳咳.... ..... 没事, 小枫枫你说吧..... ........ 你想和我说什么?”


所以接下来是, 短裙的小课堂

note 1-29

pin the fabrics togetheru have another layerthe fabrics doesn’t move around.

add nochesdart part

matching the side seam first

put the yellow color cabi papermiddlethe muslin and fabrics

put the cabi paper back and facethe muslim fabrics and copy draw the lio the back sidethe muslimthe back have dart too.

note 2-4

- [ ] clean finish the waist

- [ ] needaplaidinterfacing

- [ ] interfacing shouldon fold

- [ ] don’t fet the notches

- [ ] the gluefacefabric,need the ironmelt the glue

- [ ] edge overlock

- [ ] saw the facingthe skirt

- [ ] right side together

- [ ] alwaysthe center

- [ ] machine stitch one inches

- [ ] cut downa half

- [ ] cut the notchesthe stitch but not over the stitch


howdo with our back

full waist

dart belence

dart alwaythe center

dart legs on

eeach side

make sure pin correct

front- pin away from front v

back- pin away from backs v

back over front, backtopfront

folding side seam back, laying thattopthe front.

any intersection needbe square off

a quartereach sidedart


micro mini needbe a line

one control the one incheswaist one inchesside seam

half inchesneck and arm hole

make dashes lineone “of waist line(needcut it)


blockingmaking sure that’s all square.

if not squad it’llsleptone way

press it, pull the bias( true), find a perpendicular placefind it

needhave banlence

see the greenline and also can use the color pencilslowing going downmake a stress line

2” from the topwaist

7” down from waisthip

(the bottom edgehip.)

(at the backthe side seam)

interactionin bottomsthe princesses &waist line

everything needbe interaction

2nd dartmiddleprincessesside seam.


crosses - interception

each sidedart ( cross mark)

make a crossesside seam and waist interaction

valechine print

valechine printprincesses seam

make sure before u take out needdraw dot


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